The beginning of “the yarn stash”…

Where did it all begin?  Let me tell you…

I picked up the hobby of crocheting just shy of two years ago.  I now have one room in my new home dedicated to nothing but YARN.  Why so much?  Because like every “maker” out there you see a pattern you just know you will start working on as soon as you finish your current project, or it was on sale, or the color/texture was so unique you couldn’t pass it up, etc. etc.  Do these reasons sound familiar to anyone else?

The first purchase.

A very talented maker/knitter who operates a successful blog ( did a video on how to arm knit a blanket.  Well I was completely sold on this project, so I grabbed my credit card and ordered approximately $80 of the yarn she recommended and waited (not so patiently) for it to arrive.  Once it did arrive I couldn’t wait to start.  After watching the video several times I got the hang of it and away I went arm knitting this blanket.  Unfortunately, I think my arms are larger than hers and my blanket looked like a large fish net that had no shape whatsoever.  I was so disappointed that I unraveled all of it (I think about 6 skeins if memory serves me correctly) and I did it again.  Unfortunately, it turned out the same way.  I was determined to create something wonderful, so I decided to try one of the arm knit scarves.  Now the scarves required a different type of yarn than the blankets, so I wrote down exactly what she recommend and off to Michaels I went.  Now the $80 is yarn for the blanket was sitting in the corner looking like a net and not something I was going to use or gift to someone else.  But that was OK, because like any true “maker” you know you will find a use for it “some day”.  So there is no guilt in going to buy more.  And just like that I began a yarn stash.

“Life created one stitch at a time.” ~ Taylor O’Shea, author of Autumn & Embers

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